How to guide reflection and learning in NFE and ETS?

Table of Contents


How to guide reflection and learning in NFE and ETS?

Reflection is a key element of the education through sport approach. Therefore, it is important to ensure that this process gets sufficient time and attention.

  1. Make sure all participants get together after the activity in a quite space where you can create a relaxed atmosphere to speak about their experience
  2. Give participants time to recover and calm down a bit after more strenuous activities
  3. Give clear guidance during the reflection process and make sure that everyone is involved and gets heard
  4. Do not rush through the reflection process and give participants some time to think about the experience. However, if you are going through several rounds of reflection al-so do not overdo it. If you feel that participants don´t have anything else to contribute you can also decide to have a shorter reflection or come back to that topic another day

How to follow-up and discuss teachable moments?

Teachable Moment

A teachable moment can be a positive or negative event (see micro learning 5)

It is important to see these moments as powerful learning opportunities, through which you can extend or expand the thinking of your learners.

In these situations, you can stop the session in the middle of play or wait until the end of the session before discussing this issue…


What did you notice? What has just happened?

With your first questions you’ll ask participants to describe what has happened. The idea is to make them look back at the “Teachable Moment” and direct their attention to a specific situation, skill or learning opportunity without judging the situation.


Why did that happen? What were the consequences?

In a second step, you ask participants to explain what has happened.

They will tell why Has happened and describe the impact of their action or behavior. They may also think about alternative action or behavior in that specific situation.


Does that also happen in other areas of life? In school or at work?

The third round of questions invites participants to generalize the experience, asking them to look at it in broader terms and see if there is a connection between the experience in the sport environment and other areas of life such as school or the workplace 

Learn and Apply

What do you take out of this experience? What will you do differently in the future?

The final questions are at the heart of the reflection process. They ask participants about their personal learning.

What would they do differently in the future? First of all, within the narrow scope of the activity, but also as a transfer of that learning experience in other areas of life.